Wednesday 17 August 2011

QR Code Maths

Well, the Medieval Feast went really well. But I'll blog about that once I have photos.

I wanted to post something I'm trying today in my Year 9 Maths class. I was inspired by this:  Through a Green Lens - QR Codes in Maths Class

I'm having my kids use QR instructions to create their own QR worksheet. I figure the hardest thing for them to do on this will be to create their own Probability questions.

Essentially, they design one black QR coded question (using their laptop program QuickMark) for each sub-topic in probability (sample spaces, theoretical probability etc.). They then pass their working document on to another student, who generates blue QR coded answers with supporting work. They then hand this back to the first student, who creates red QR codes informing the second student if they were right. If they were wrong, they have to explain the process for solving the problem.

We might work through it a couple times today. The program is fast and efficient on their computers (which, as you all know, sometimes lag a bit). I think it will be a really interesting exercise to help them review all of the topics we have covered so far.

Essentially I'm using the codes as a sort of gimmick to get the kids interested (last period on a rainy day) and teach them how to use the program. I'll branch off to including videos and texts soon!

So, here are the sheets I handed out to the kids.

We'll see how we go!


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