The kids spent some time making decorations (during brain-break).
I'm not really sure about the rules involved in posting photos of some of the kids, so I'm going to hold off until I'm sure if it would be allowed.
Anyway, it was a REALLY cool experience to be able to hang out with the kids in a relaxed setting. It's almost like they learned more because they knew they weren't in the traditional school environment. I don't think we should get rid of desks and books entirely, but I'm starting to think there is some real merit in educational immersion. Throw kids into a 'pretend' situation where they need to define their social status and rules and expectations, and devise structures based on information they have learned in the traditional old text book or internet.
We'll see how things go, but this might be something I do more often. Stressful as it was at first, I'm starting to feel a little more confident that it won't be a total bomb.